Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events2019-01-24T20:15:24+00:00

LeaRRn 2023 Virtual Institute: Rehabilitation in the Management of Chronic Conditions

ISSCR 2023 Annual Meeting

Summer by Design Toronto

Learn about the business of Regenerative Medicine. Both Canadian and international PhD candidates and post-doctoral fellows will learn how to take Regenerative Medicine discoveries from bench to bedside at Summer by Design, an eight-day program at the University of Toronto from June 19-28. LEARN MORE

MR3 3rd Annual Virtual Scientific Retreat: “Moving from Potential to Real Impact: Engaging with a Broader Community to Improve Translation of Rehabilitation Research Innovations”

Inaugural U24 NeuronS_MATTR Summer School

The Inaugural U24 NeuronS_MATTR Summer School “Hands On! The Neurophysiology of Soft Tissue Manipulation” will be held at Indiana University, June 20-24th! The goal of the NIH U24 network is to nucleate an emerging field focused on the neurobiology of soft tissue mechanotherapies. The primary objective of this Summer School is to create a greater understanding of STM practice, science, and potential outcomes measures, while fostering inter-disciplinary research collaborations. For more information see here.